What a relief. I’ll
just start it out that way, like an episode of your favorite serial drama with
the end at the beginning. If you’re at
all like me, you’ll like the ending.
Let’s rewind to the post just below this one for a
minute. When last we left you, there was
an area of concern. There was a new spot on the MRI that we had never seen, and even though the doctor told us at this stage that he wasn't worried too much yet, that he was only telling us because it was his job to be
diligent, we worried. I’ll just defend
myself by saying this. If there’s
something growing in your head, and you don’t know what it is, you worry.
So Sunday comes along, March 23, and I start off to the
medical center for the MRI, which was a month earlier than anticipated. I had spent a month dealing with concern about it, so I didn't have a whole lot more worry to expend. When I first began treatment, I told everyone that I would at least make it through the first year without any recurrence. I'm happy to say that is still the case.
I don't know what the spot is. It could be tumor cells, or it could be scar tissue, or it could be something generated from radiation. To be honest, at this point, I don't really care. It's either staying the same or shrinking, and tumors that don't grow don't kill you. My uneducated view was that whatever it is had dissipated a bit. It looked less solid than last time, and it wasn't as well defined. So two months from now I'll get another look at it, and we'll pray things are going in the same direction.
It was a special surprise to come to the house and see so many people had become creative to show support through the last Team William project. There was silliness, serious support, happiness, and many other emotions in people's pictures. There were a few in particular that were very inventive, and it meant a lot to me that people would take time and energy to use their energy that way. I got people's best, and it's hard to think I deserve it.
I have just finished round 6 of chemotherapy and although it wasn't easy and I was tired and nauseous I made it through. Thanks for all of your continued love and support for me and my family during this journey. You have no idea how much it means to have so many people who pray, send cards, send texts, check in on us, and rally behind us. Your unwavering support is helping me continue to be successful in this journey. Please do not stop.
I will try to be more diligent in updating this blog quicker after the results. I have had a lot on my shoulders and chemo wiped me this last time. Eda usually is diligent and take care of most of this, but life has happened and her private therapy business is under an audit. So to say she is busy and overwhelmed is an understatement. We will work better to keep you all more informed, just please stay behind us. We can't do this without you!
Lastly, thank you for all those who came out and supported my family and brain tumor research at the Run for the Rose. We had a lot of fun and hope to make it a yearly event to help find a cure for my tumor others suffering with brain tumors.
I continue to work on the playhouse for the girls and I will keep you posted when it is finished.
Specific Prayer Requests:
- We continue to live in the moment and enjoy the time we have with each other, not worrying about what the future may/may not bring
- Prayers that we continue to have the support and help of others along this journey
- Prayers
that I continue to experience God's healing power and that my brain continues to show no tumor re-growth
- Prayers
of thanksgiving that my last MRI showed change in a positive direction and that Eda and I are able to rest easier knowing I am experiencing healing.
- Prayers of thanksgiving to those who have continued to be here for us and participate in the surprises for me along the way.
- For the next round of chemo that will start in late April.
Team William Project - pictures with love and encouraging words! |
William looking at each picture! Thanks for all those who participated! Huge Success! |
William and his girls! |
Audrey getting ready to "walk" the Run for the Rose for daddy! |
Abigail, Addison, and Caroline Eccles sporting Team William attire at the walk while sitting in the "circle of Willis" of a huge blow up brain! |
William and I after the walk! |
William and his friend Jeff who also has a brain tumor like William. Jeff's family has been a huge help to our family as we learn about this tumor. Amazing new friend to William! |
Abigail at Team William walk supporting her gray cancer ribbon for her Daddy! |
Abigail and Daddy! |
They walked over 2 miles before requesting to be in a stroller. So proud of them! |
Family after Run for the Rose! |
Thanks to all who walked with us! You are awesome! |
William and I |
Passed out on her daddy! |